Scene Detector is an advanced utility for the Automatic detection of scene boundaries (shots) in a movie. Scene detection is performed using only the Frame image data, no timecode or audio metadata is used.
Scene Detection opens a Final Cut project file (exported in XML format) OR raw video file (.mov or .avi or any other format supported by QuickTime), then asks the user what clip to detect scenes in (if input was not a raw video file). After completion it exports the project file in FCP XML format with markers added at scene boundaries OR exports scene information in CSV, HTML or EDL files (4 types of EDL files are supported). In case input was FCP XML file, markers will be added to original file, preserving all other information (all comments, Clips, tracks and so on). If input was not an FCP XML file but media file, an FCP XML file will be generated, suitable for import into Final Cut or Final Cut Express.
The User then imports the XML file back into Final Cut. In order to Create subclips, user just selects all or some markers created by Scene Detector and then clicks Modify ⇒ Make Subclip in Final Cut, and a new subclip is created for each scene found by Scene Detector. It couldn't be any easier! The clip file is not changed during this Operation, so it can reside even on your read-only device.
Scene Detector can also create a separate video file for each scene found; both standalone and reference files can be created.
New! Command line interface and ability to do scene detection in batches is available in Pro Edition of Scene Detector.